Constituency Focus: East Antrim

East Antrim has been prominent in discussion around Brexit following the introduction of the Irish Sea border. The constituency is centred around Larne and Carrickfergus but also takes in parts of Newtownabbey and stretches along the coast road beyond Glenarm. It is a very Protestant constituency with most of the Catholic population being in the north of the constituency.


Current seats

The DUP and UUP both have 2 seats each with Alliance holding the other seat. It is the only constituency where the UUP have more than one seat. The MP for the area is the DUP’s Sammy Wilson.


Current bloc quotas

Unionism has ranged from a low share of 59.4% to a high share of 70.1%. 


Nationalism has gone from 7.7% to 14%. There was a significant drop between 2017 and 2019, perhaps Alliance have been successful at swaying Nationalist voters. 


The non aligned bloc has ranged from 15.6% to 29.1%. That latter score was in the most recent Westminster election and if replicated in May would probably give Alliance 2 seats after Nationalost transfers.


Recent electoral trends

The DUP has been well ahead of its Unionist rivals with the smallest gap being 12 points to the UUP. The Unionist share has declined with Alliance doing well.


Alliance have also eaten into the Nationalist vote. Between 2017 and 2019 the Nationalist vote almost halved and Alliance were the main beneficiaries of this. 


Sinn Féin lost its seat in 2017 due to the constituencies dropping from 6 to 5 seats. Nationalism just about had a quota then but the bloc is well short of a quota now. 



The DUP have 2 candidates, both are sitting MLAs, David Hilditch and, former economy minister, Gordon Lyons. The 2 UUP MLAs are also defending their seats they are Roy Beggs and John Stewart. Norman Boyd is standing for the TUV. 


Alliance have 2 candidates running as they seek to make a gain. Stewart Dickson will defend his seat and will hope to bring Danny Donnelly along with him. Mark Bailey is contesting the seat for the Green Party.


Former MLA Oliver McMullan is standing for Sinn Féin and Siobhán McAlister is the SDLP candidate. 



Alliance will be very hopeful of a gain here. They are polling well and had a brilliant result in 2019’s Westminster election finishing as runners up. It should be noted there was strong anti-DUP sentiment at the time and the UUP decided to run South Antrim MLA Steve Aiken as their candidate. 


The TUV will also be encouraged by recent polling and will see East Antrim as a key target. Allister’s party will no doubt use the the NI Protocol and Irish Sea border to try to win over some disaffected DUP voters.



The NI Protocol will be among the top issues here. Checks had to be stopped at the port of Larne due to threats allegedly being made against staff. The recent P&O scandal may also be an issue, no doubt many former members of staff lived in the constituency and would certainly have contributed to the local economy. Larne FC have become a strong football team recently and have gone professional adding some excitement to the town, having seen the benefits of private investment in sport it might be wise for candidates to promote public spending in sport for the area.



This is a tough one to call. I suspect the TUV may win a seat here but it is difficult to suggest who it may be from. The current Unionist MLAs are all very popular and have strong support bases, while the DUP may be slipping in popularity, there is perhaps a chance the local MLAs May outperform their party. This is also one of Alliance’s key targets and they are certainly in with a chance. I had a chat about this constituency last week and that conversation has possibly swayed my thinking somewhat. Prior to that I thought this constituency might elect 1 DUP, 1 TUV, 1 UUP and, 2 Alliance. After the conversation I think Unionism perform better.  It is possible that Alliance gained some tactical anti-DUP or anti-Sammy Wilson votes and that the current MLAs are popular enough to hold their support. I now think the constituency may finish as it starts, 2 DUP, 2 UUP, 1 Alliance. 


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